How to install CherryTree on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa?

How do I install CherryTree, my favorite note taking app on Ubuntu 20.04? I tried to install from github, but none of the dependencies are available on Ubuntu 20.04

задан 10 July 2020 в 19:39

2 ответа

As mentionned on the download page of the developper, there are currently no .deb packages available for Ubuntu. The developper recommends to use the snap or flatpak packages.

By far the easiest way to install is by snap. You will find Cherrytree in the Snap store, or you can install it with the command

snap install cherrytree

If you want to access removable media, connect to the removable-media interface:

snap connect cherrytree:removable-media

It is also available as a flatpak. Both snap and flatpak are at the time of writing the latest stable version. Flatpak is by default not enabled on Ubuntu. You can enable it on your system with a few commands.

Manually installing on Ubuntu 20.04 is not recommended for typical users: it requires to install Python 2, which is now deprecated.

ответ дан 30 July 2020 в 22:10

Во-первых, вам нужен Python 2, который странным образом отсутствовал:

curl -o
sudo python2

Больше зависимостей. Python gtk2-dev доступен из репозитория этого пользователя:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nrbrtx/python2-stuff
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git libenchant1c2a
pip install pyenchant
sudo apt install python2 python-gtk2-dev p7zip-full python-dbus python-chardet

Самый простой способ получить python-gtksourceview - это старые версии Ubuntu: https: / /

Все после этого Надеемся, что вы сможете запустить cherrytree напрямую из исходного кода:

git clone    
ответ дан 30 July 2020 в 22:10

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