Второй дисплей не отображается

Другой ответ python через модуль re. Пример, украденный из сообщения Джейкоба.


import sys
import re
file = sys.argv[1]
L = []                                                  # Declare an empty list
with open(file) as src:
    for j in src:                                       # iterate through all the lines
        for i in re.findall(r'id_ad=(\d+)&action', j):  # extracts the digits which was present in-between `id_ad=` and `&action` strings.
            L.append(i)                                 # Append the extracted digits to the already declared empty list L. 
    for f in L:                                         # Iterate through all the elements in the list L
        print(f)                                        # Print each element from the list L in a separate new line.

Запустите указанный скрипт как

python3 script.py /path/to/the/file


$ cat fi
I want to process the body of text and extract an integer from a specific position in the text, but I'm not sure how to describe that 'particular position'. Regular expressions really confuse me. I spent (wasted) a couple hours reading tutorials and I feel no closer to an answer :( There's a bunch of text which may or may not include integers (that I don't want) and then there's a line that always contains

 id_ad=1929170&action There's a bunch of text which may or may not include integers (that I don't want) and then there's a line that always contains id_ad=1889170&action and then followed by a bunch of garbage I don't care about, again it may or may not include one or more integers. There's a bunch of text which may or may not include integers (that I don't want) and then there's a line that always contains

 id_ad=1889170&action and then followed by a bunch of garbage I don't care about, again it may or may not include one or more integers. There's a bunch of text which may or may not include integers (that I don't want) and then there's a line that always contains id_ad=1929990&action
$ python3 script.py ~/file
задан 15 July 2017 в 14:57

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