Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: не удается открыть SnapStore

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Вот что произошло после того, как я следовал инструкциям на терминале после того, как набрал snap-store:

linux@Sirvan:~$ snap-store
You need to connect this snap to the gnome platform snap.

You can do this with those commands:

    snap install gnome-3-28-1804
    snap connect snap-store:gnome-3-28-1804 gnome-3-28-1804
linux@Sirvan:~$ snap install gnome-3-28-1804
snap "gnome-3-28-1804" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'
linux@Sirvan:~$ snap help refresh
snap refresh [refresh-OPTIONS] [...]

The refresh command updates the specified snaps, or all snaps in the system if
none are specified.

With no further options, the snaps are refreshed to the current revision of the
channel they're tracking, preserving their confinement options.

Revision choice via the --revision override requires the the user to
have developer access to the snap, either directly or through the
store's collaboration feature, and to be logged in (see 'snap help login').

Note a later refresh will typically undo a revision override.

[refresh command options]
      --color=[auto|never|always]     Use a little bit of color to highlight
                                      some things. (default: auto)
      --unicode=[auto|never|always]   Use a little bit of Unicode to improve
                                      legibility. (default: auto)
      --abs-time                      Display absolute times (in RFC 3339
                                      format). Otherwise, display relative
                                      times up to 60 days, then YYYY-MM-DD.
      --no-wait                       Do not wait for the operation to finish
                                      but just print the change id.
      --channel=                      Use this channel instead of stable
      --edge                          Install from the edge channel
      --beta                          Install from the beta channel
      --candidate                     Install from the candidate channel
      --stable                        Install from the stable channel
      --devmode                       Put snap in development mode and disable
                                      security confinement
      --jailmode                      Put snap in enforced confinement mode
      --classic                       Put snap in classic mode and disable
                                      security confinement
      --amend                         Allow refresh attempt on snap unknown to
                                      the store
      --revision=                     Refresh to the given revision, to which
                                      you must have developer access
      --list                          Show the new versions of snaps that would
                                      be updated with the next refresh
      --time                          Show auto refresh information but do not
                                      perform a refresh
      --ignore-validation             Ignore validation by other snaps blocking
                                      the refresh
linux@Sirvan:~$ snap connect snap-store:gnome-3-28-1804 gnome-3-28-1804
linux@Sirvan:~$ snap-store
You need to connect this snap to the gnome platform snap.

You can do this with those commands:
snap install gnome-3-28-1804
snap connect snap-store:gnome-3-28-1804 gnome-3-28-1804

задан 14 May 2019 в 09:24

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