emacs org-bullets не поддерживается

Я использую Ubuntu 19.04 с KDE5
org-bullets, похоже, не работает для меня как в режиме терминала, так и в режиме GUI. Я попробовал это на виртуальной машине с Windows, там она работает нормально, но не на моей машине с Linux.
Моя локаль использует utf-8. enter image description here

  (use-package org-bullets
    :hook (org-mode . org-bullets-mode)
    (setq org-bullets-bullet-list '("◉" "⁑" "⁂" "❖" "✮" "✱" "✸")))

M-x RET describe-current-coding выход

  U -- utf-8-dos (alias: mule-utf-8-dos cp65001-dos)

Default coding system (for new files):
  U -- utf-8 (alias: mule-utf-8 cp65001)

Coding system for keyboard input:
  U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8-unix cp65001-unix)

Coding system for terminal output:
  U -- utf-8 (alias: mule-utf-8 cp65001)

Coding system for inter-client cut and paste:
Defaults for subprocess I/O:
  decoding: U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8-unix cp65001-unix)

  encoding: U -- utf-8-unix (alias: mule-utf-8-unix cp65001-unix)

Priority order for recognizing coding systems when reading files:
  1. utf-8 (alias: mule-utf-8 cp65001)
  2. iso-2022-7bit 
  3. iso-latin-1 (alias: iso-8859-1 latin-1)
  4. iso-2022-7bit-lock (alias: iso-2022-int-1)
  5. iso-2022-8bit-ss2 
  6. emacs-mule 
  7. raw-text 
  8. iso-2022-jp (alias: junet)
  9. in-is13194-devanagari (alias: devanagari)
  10. chinese-iso-8bit (alias: cn-gb-2312 euc-china euc-cn cn-gb gb2312)
  11. utf-8-auto 
  12. utf-8-with-signature 
  13. utf-16 
  14. utf-16be-with-signature (alias: utf-16-be)
  15. utf-16le-with-signature (alias: utf-16-le)
  16. utf-16be 
  17. utf-16le 
  18. japanese-shift-jis (alias: shift_jis sjis)
  19. chinese-big5 (alias: big5 cn-big5 cp950)
  20. undecided 

  Other coding systems cannot be distinguished automatically
  from these, and therefore cannot be recognized automatically
  with the present coding system priorities.

Particular coding systems specified for certain file names:

  --------- --------------      ----------------
  File I/O      "\\.tzst\\'"            (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.zst\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.dz\\'"              (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.txz\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.xz\\'"              (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.lzma\\'"            (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.lz\\'"              (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.g?z\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                                        (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.tbz2?\\'"           (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.bz2\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.Z\\'"               (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                "\\.elc\\'"             utf-8-emacs
                "\\.el\\'"              prefer-utf-8
                "\\.utf\\(-8\\)?\\'"    utf-8
                "\\.xml\\'"             xml-find-file-coding-system
                                        (raw-text . raw-text-unix)
                "\\.tar\\'"             (no-conversion . no-conversion)
                ""                      (undecided)
  Process I/O   nothing specified
  Network I/O   nothing specified
задан 30 September 2019 в 19:08

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