How to select text from random position to the first or last character in gedit?

Печатающий Assuming that this feature is implemented in such an advanced text like gedit I want to jump from в line x with 0 < x < [# lines] and в column position y with 0 <= y <= [length of line] to the end or the beginning of the document and selected all characters from the random position (defined by x and y) to the end or beginning.

I tried Ктрльсифт (Альт) Энд/пос1 (with () meaning tried with and without and / meaning all combinations left and right of it) with both NumLock turned on and off, but none worked.

гm using gedit 3.10.4 on Ubuntu 15.10.

задан 18 November 2015 в 17:17

1 ответ

Сдвиг Ctrl Pos1/End на самом деле делает просто это для меня. См. также Справку Gedit (F1)-> "Сочетания клавиш"-> "Сочетания клавиш для редактирования файлов"

ответ дан 30 September 2019 в 03:58

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