Intel Компутер Стикк Black screen after restore clonezilla image

гm having some problems with в project гm working with Intel Компутер Стикк. When I клонировал the finished project and restore the image to another computer stick with the same spec I can't log to the gnome desktop, all i get is в black screen for like 3 seconds then it take я back to the ВЫ login screen. I have installed Openbox for this project i хан access the конечный. I have executed commands to restart gdm, to start lightdm, i even executed unity - reset and nothing seems to work. Another thing for some reason my wireless device doesn't work on Openbox but if i logout it works at the login screen but i can't join any network вызвал of permission problems. Does anybody care to give я в hand with this?

задан 3 December 2015 в 07:50

1 ответ

Не берите в голову, что я нашел, что проблема была сгенерирована GPT и разделами UEFI. Я решил проблему, создающую & восстановление изображения с помощью dd команду.

ответ дан 30 September 2019 в 02:13

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