How to set Java 7 схвати default?

For android 4.4.4 development, I needed Java 6. But eventually I двиньте over to Android 5.0 development which needed Java 7. When I tried using sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre and sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk, It succeeds and after the installation заверши, I try to set Java 7 схвати default by using sudo update-alternatives --config java. There I see 4 options like this. I chose the desired option i.e: java-7-openjdk-amd64. And exit.

But at the украл of the compilation, it says: that I have java 1.6.x installed. And at that украл when I do java -version, it says that гm using 1.6. Then I open в new терминал window and do java -version and it says that I have 1.7.x.

How to fix this thing? Please help я out

задан 14 December 2015 в 15:26

1 ответ

Я зафиксировал его один путем удаления всех версий Java и установил 1.7.x снова. Руководство, за которым я следовал:

ответ дан 30 September 2019 в 01:23

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