Ubuntu grepping strings with missing spaces

let's say I had the электронная почта test1234test@test.com in в file which contains в list of электронные почты. But, instead of having the entire электронная почта, I only had (for example) t**********t@test.com

How would I grep this that way i could grep for all электронные почты that could have missing spaces to fit in that string? In order for this to be working, I should be able to grep for the string equivalent to t**********t@test.com and have it find test1234test@test.com...? Also, it would find other электронные почты that could fit in those asterk spaces such схвати test4321test@test.com? Help greatly appreciated!

задан 28 December 2015 в 00:55

1 ответ

grep берет '.' в качестве 'любого символа'. Так

grep "t..........t@test.com"

сделает это. (Хороший для решения кроссворда:-)

ответ дан 29 September 2019 в 23:45

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