Ubuntu 15.10 Can't change output source from HDMI to wireless Блутоот Еадсет

I have researched сходный problems, and have not had any success.

гve connected my Sony headsets over Blutooth. "HDMI" and "Headset" пахал both listed туз outputs in the GUI sound settings. It seems HDMI is locked схвати the default, and clicking on "Headset" does open the option to change settings for Headset, neither хан profiles be deleted. Заметьте: My motherboard does not have Blutooth capabilities, so в Blutooth-USB is used.

Sound Сеттингс Локкед on HDMI / DisplayPort

Конечный Other solutions imply using the. гve listed the card profiles using

pacmd list-cards

index 0 is "HDA ATI HDMI", alsa_card.pci-0000_01_00.1 index 1 is "HDA ATI SB", alsa_card_pci-0000_00_14.2 index 2 is the headset, bluez_card. [] MAC address

I then tried to set the index 2 card profile to 0.

pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:bluez_card.[MAC Address]

or (using the иначе of the device)

pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:MDR-ZX330BT

и т.д. All commands generated "не such profile"

Next, I tried to set the default output:

pacmd set-defualt-source bluez_card.[MAC address]

again, "не Суч Профиле". Прессинг tab after "set-default source" automatically gives three options, none of which пашите "bluez"

alsa_input_pci........ analog-stereo alsa_input_pci........ analog-stereo.monitor alsa_input_pci........ hdmi-stereo.monitor

I know this is прекратился в mess, but any help is welcome.

задан 3 January 2016 в 11:37

1 ответ

У меня нет реального ответа, но я сделал хороший expiriance для использования pulseaudio. Если Вы хотите Вас, может дать ему попытку с

sudo apt-get install pulseaudio

Hope, которая помогает Вам.

С уважением, Kai

ответ дан 29 September 2019 в 17:26

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