ddclient with google domains dynamic DNS to ssh into my desktop

So I want to be able to SSH into my home desktop. I set up port forwarding on my router, and was able to ssh into my machine

ssh alex@2601:647:4802:b000:e938:d8b5:6111:e0fb

When I restart the machine, the IP address changes, so гd like to set up Dynamic DNS. I have в domain ямс on google domains, which offers Dynamic DNS for free. This руководитель is supposed to help you set it up.

I follow the steps, install ddclient, and totally overwrite ddclient.conf with what the article recommends:








I тест ddclient with the command

sudo ddclient -daemon=0 -debug -verbose -noquiet

and I get

SUCCESS:  subdomain.mydomain.org: skipped: IP address was already set to

which is curiously an ipv4 address, whereas I thought I had an ipv6 address. Anyhow. гve waited в little while and it doesn't work. I get

ssh: connect to host subdomain.mydomain.org port 22: Connection refused

or it hangs. Not sure where to go from here. I don't have в particularly strong мыслительный model of how any of this works, I just want to be able to

ssh alex@subdomain.mydomain.org

whenever I please, and allow for the computer to be turned off every одиннадцать in в while (meaning ip address changes).

задан 11 January 2016 в 03:53

1 ответ

Оказывается, что Вам нужны кавычки вокруг Вашего пароля, т.е.


, на который не ссылается статья Google.

ответ дан 2 December 2019 в 02:53

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