Question regarding card support видео / монитор resolution

I have set up в двойственный Windows boot system with 7 and Убунту Гноме 15.10 using в bootable USB for the install process and while in the 'try ubuntu' enviroment there were не problems at all.

After installing Ubuntu, my ПК booted and started GRUB but ended up with в в black screen issue, which I решите by entering radeon.modeset=0. I know that this means that there is some sort of incompatibility with the видео card Radeon HD 6620.

I tried to address this issue before by going into the Additional драйверы window and clicked the option to install the proprietary драйвер but I don't believe I did it correctly, because after that, the GRUB screen was black again.

I notices that every украл I boot into Убунту I have to enter (radeon.modeset=0), to get output to the монитор. This however is не where near to the resolution that I was getting from the bootable USB 'Три Убунту'.

How should I proceed?

задан 12 January 2016 в 02:08

1 ответ

Выполните следующее в терминале:

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

Находят GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT строка, АНК изменяет ее так, она похожа на это:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash radeon.modeset=0"

Хит Ctrl+O затем Входят для сохранения и Ctrl+X для выхода. Теперь выполненный в терминале:

sudo update-grub

radeon.modeset=0 параметр будет теперь автоматически добавлен к ядру в течение времени начальной загрузки. Перезагрузка и видит.

ответ дан 26 July 2019 в 09:34

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