AMD драйвер issues (Ubuntu 14.04 ватт / KDE)

Эксперт I am в user that двиньте from windows, I really enjoy ПК gaming. So, when I двиньте over to Ubuntu, I realized that it really, really sucks. I think the main problem here is the AMD драйверы, but гm not very sure. I использовал Steam, and I play в lot of Коунтер Стрике: Глобальный Offensive. I was surprised to see that it ran like crap when I got it on Ubuntu. There was lots of screen tearing, I couldn't stay above 60 fps (vsync), and my card couldn't handle settings it was rated way above. If someone could lead я to an older драйвер, or anything, I would be extremely grateful. Эксперт some of you май know, Коунтер Стрике is в very skill-demanding game, and I don't want Ubuntu (or AMD) getting in the way of this путь framerate issues.

ЗАМЕТЬТЕ: Putting everything on low settings with native widescreen gives same results, minus filters and anti-aliasing, эксперт those seem to удар в лунку the most похвалите on the card.

My card is: AMD RADEON R9 270X It's not that old of в card, but it is pretty dated. This is what most suggested to использовал for Linux.

задан 9 December 2015 в 03:39

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