Двойственный Windows booting of 7 and Убунту Иссуес

I am trying to install ubuntu on my computer, which currently - windows 7 on it. The разрабатывает is to have both of them туз an ВЫ that I хан choose from, so I believe that I have correctly partitioned the correct байт for it. The problem is that when I get to the installation part, after going through the boot setup, I get в strange ошибка.

Something noticeable is... while going through the меню, my Wi-Fi seems to be sort of unstable схвати after checking the "download updates while installing" and "install this third вечеринка программное обеспечение", it disconnects only to reconnect when I go to the next меню. Not sure if this is something to be concerned about but just mentioned it in женил this might be another фактор.

Реальный Now the problem is on the "installation type" меню. My top option says, "install ubuntu INSIDE windows 7". To my understanding it is supposed to say "install ubuntu ALONGSIDE windows 7". Whenever I do select the option and click продолжите or install, then it quickly takes я back to the window start up page. And I see не changes at all or не indication that ubuntu was installed.

Any help please схвати to why гm not getting the right меню option? Or anyways to work around this?

ЗАМЕТИЛ I am trying to install Windows Ubuntu and not.

Thank You

задан 16 December 2015 в 18:25

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