apt-get fails behind corporate firewall - Does the network require authentication

I am trying update and install additional packages to my new Убунту Сервер 14.04 - This is installed on в VM environment inside в corporate firewall. However I cannot get apt-get to work. Here is what I have подарил so far.

Основание install 14.04 LTS Tried to run sudo apt-get update and get

E: GPG error: http://au.archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)

I have tried sudo apt-get install <tools> эксперт well but this also does not work. I have read lots about this on this форум and others. I have configured proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf and also called this file 30Proxy эксперт advised by another post. I also added the proxy settings in / и т.д. / environment but still fails. I checked the оцени пашите shown in env. I have tried with and without the User:Pass@Proxy:port setting but still not working.

I хан ping the server without any issue.

I tried disabling the IPv6 интерфейс but not change.

I tried installing desktop well and get the same issue эксперт - Овевер I хан browse with firefox - не authentication required and without adding proxy anywhere.

Эксперт far схвати I know, apt-get используй http and ftp but I also saw someone mention port 53 - this I think is blocked by the corp firewall.

I am installing в plone server and хан использовал wget to get the plone package without any errors. Общий So networking is OK.

When I try sudo apt-get install python-setuptools it reads package lists и т.д. and prompt to install. I confirm and it tries the Get1 to the сохранил в архиве. Доклады Fetched 81.7 kB then fails with the following

E: Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python-setuptools/python-setuptools_3.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb Size mismatch
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing. 

Obviously tried apt-get update and --fix-missing.

Interesting - when I check the file path it доклады схвати failed, it appears wrong. If I browse with my desktop I get file not found. It appears to be missing в паб in the path эксперт in http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/p/python-setuptools/python-setuptools_3.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb

So then I tried to edit the source.list in /etc/apt but that didn't work either.

So I tested something else. On my desktop which is в Windows 7 I installed the same Виртуальный Ubuntu server package in Box. Then if I connect to ADSL (so не corp firewall) I хан run the apt-get without any issue and it all works эксперт it should. Не special config. So I guess the paths in source.list пахал OK and it seems to point to authentication of some sort.

Being в windows environment, my username is в domain authentication although we do not использовал proxies any обитайте, there пашите still some on the network. The proxy I am configuring I have verified. There is не obvious authentication happening for я to access the network, but it май be hidden in the windows domain login. I did try that also ://domain\\user:pass@proxy:port (I переместите the http at the beginning of the above туз I am not allowed to post обитал than 2 соединения being в novice).

But that does not work.

So I am at в loss - Is it в port blocking issue? Хан I change the port? Хан I использовал another method to install the packages without too much pain?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks Пит

задан 21 December 2015 в 11:41

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