Ubuntu 15.10 boot very slow (cgroup: new mount options do not матч the existing superblock, will be ignored) Solution

I had this problem, ubuntu was starting very slowly and the log was showing в timelaps прекратитесь long with this line:

cgroup: new mount options do not матч the existing superblock, will be ignored

I looked on Интернет for the solution and didn't really find it! Except the fact to check the fstab and verify the UID of the drive. (I did в wrong manipulation before by removing the swap and переудар в лунку it...)

But even by checking the UUID (the one for the swap was wrong so I changed it) Ubuntu was still starting slowly with the same message.

The solution I found (I don't know why it works with it and not the UUID):

Instead of the UUID of the partitions, удар в лунку the path for them. Экс-: повторно нравься UUID=3fc32832-..... by/dev/sda1 (the root partition)

I did this for all of my partitions, restarted my laptop and it started эксперт fast эксперт before (arround 10 sec).

Хоуп I will help with that.



задан 30 December 2015 в 08:37

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