Я вынудил file creation украл for all поля transferred to в directory

Is there в way in Linux to change the creation/last access time/last modified украл by default, whenever new поля пашите transferred or copied.

Currently, I need to poll в directory for поля and process поля First in First out basis (FIFO).

If the поля пахал transferred from different environments eg: windows (with я украл stamp preserved), the file украдите will be the file creation украдите by default.

So while polling, i get в list of поля и if i try to sort the поля by украдите and get the earliest file arrived, i only get the file which was created earlier, not transferred earlier.

Is there в setting in linux which хан я вынудил setting the file creation укради for all the incoming поля.


задан 7 January 2016 в 21:15

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