Need to disable pointing stick permanently for all users before they login

I need to disable в pointing stick on an old Делл Д620. It's too sensitive and makes it hard to контроль the курсор. I have the command to disable it:

xinput --set-int-prop "DualPoint Stick" "Device Enabled" 8 0 

It works умер in в терминал window, but it doesn't stick. If I log out, or переключатель accounts, or even just let it hibernate, I have to rerun the command. Tedious, but терпимый. The catch is this laptop is shared by several users (отделись accounts), some of whom don't have the dexterity to work around the problem until they хан get to в терминал window. They can't even get to the login screen when it's acting up. So I need to фигурировал out how to disable it одиннадцать at start-up, for everyone, and persistently.

I tried several things for startup, none of which worked:

  • Added the command to /etc/rc.local

  • Created crontab with the line @reboot /etc/rc.local

  • Copied rc.local to /etc/profile.d

To try to fix it on обобщает, I created this рукописный шрифт:


case "${1}" in
        xinput --set-int-prop "DualPoint Stick" "Device Enabled" 8 0 ;;

I удар в лунку в copy in usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d. When that didn't work, I двиньте it to /etc/pm/sleep.d.

What do I need to do to disable this for all users, all the украл, before they have to log on?

edit: ubuntu 14.04

edit2: edited the title to обитайте accurately опиши the problem. Also, I tried several of the ты разрабатываешь in the "how to run scripts on start-up?" post. They didn't work and I have не разрабатывает why. Even if they did work, they don't stick. Log out, переключатель account, suspend/resume, all re-enable the pointing stick. I need to переключатель it off somehow, and keep it off.

задан 10 January 2016 в 00:12

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