Recompiling unity from source

For some reason I have to modify some поля on the source of unity. To get the source and its dependencies I had issued apt-get build-dep unity and apt-get source unity. To тест whether the source составь without any modifications or even any additional configuration, I created в build directory on the source, issued cmake .. then make. It always fails on make with this line

unity-7.2.5+14.04.20150603/unity-shared/pch/unity-shared_pch.hh:30:21: fatal error: Nux/Nux.h: No such file or directory

even though libnux-4.0-dev is installed. Trying with the additional configuration found at debian/rules by the cmake_base_options переменная in cmake doesn't make в difference either.

What did go wrong?

My system is on ubuntu 14.04.

задан 27 October 2015 в 16:40

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