МААС node deployment failed with curtin installer

I have installed Убунту Сервер 15.10 with МААС и have configured two неDES with the МААС Server. The неDES reached to Реади Стате after commissioning. Then I run "juju bootstrap" on shell. One node went to Deploying state with the curtin installer. But after long украл, the deployment failed with the following ошибка on shell:

ОШИБКА failed to bootstrap environment: bootstrap instance started but did not change to Deployed state: instance "/MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-9ed9c196-81ee-11e5-bc54-001cc0f8442d /" is started but not deployed

Also, there was following ошибка coming consistently in /var/log/maas/maas.log:

maas.service_monitor: [ОШИБКА] While monitoring service 'tgt' an ошибка was encountered: Unable to parse the включил state from systemd for service 'tgt', включите state reported туз 'failed'.

What could be the reason behind this? Please suggest some solution. Thanks in advance!

задан 4 November 2015 в 17:04

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