Состояние принтера Epson xp 205 “ остановлено “

Чтобы более точно ответить на ваш вопрос. Вы можете использовать nvidia-settings для изменения мета-режима. Фрагмент из nvidia-settings --help:

-a, --assign=[ASSIGN]
  The ASSIGN argument to the '--assign' commandline option is of the form:

    {DISPLAY}/{attribute name}[{display devices}]={value}

  This assigns the attribute {attribute name} to the value {value} on the X
  Display {DISPLAY}.  {DISPLAY} follows the usual {host}:{display}.{screen}
  syntax of the DISPLAY environment variable and is optional; when it is
  not specified, then it is implied following the same rule as the
  --ctrl-display option.  If the X screen is not specified, then the
  assignment is made to all X screens.  Note that the '/' is only required
  when {DISPLAY} is present.

  {DISPLAY} can additionally include a target specification to direct an
  assignment to something other than an X screen.  A target specification
  is contained within brackets and consists of a target type name, a colon,
  and the target id.  The target type name can be one of "screen", "gpu",
  "framelock", "vcs", "gvi", or "fan"; the target id is the index into the
  list of targets (for that target type).  The target specification can be
  used in {DISPLAY} wherever an X screen can be used, following the syntax
  {host}:{display}[{target_type}:{target_id}].  See the output of
  `nvidia-settings -q all` for information on which target types can be
  used with which attributes.  See the output of `nvidia-settings -q
  screens -q gpus -q framelocks -q vcs -q gvis -q fans` for lists of
  targets for each target type.

  The [{display devices}] portion is also optional; if it is not specified,
  then the attribute is assigned to all display devices.

  Some examples:

    -a FSAA=5
    -a localhost:0.0/DigitalVibrance[CRT-0]=0
    -a [gpu:0]/DigitalVibrance[DFP-1]=63
задан 26 April 2018 в 11:14

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