Ошибка установки библиотеки netconf в структуре робота

Я попытался установить библиотеку netconf для рамки robot, и я получил эту ошибку:

root@stack-ThinkCentre-M83:~/tests# pip install robotframework-ncclient The directory '/home/stack/.cache/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag. The directory '/home/stack/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag. Collecting robotframework-ncclient Could not fetch URL https://pypi.python.org/simple/robotframework-ncclient/: There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:590) - skipping Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement robotframework-ncclient (from versions: ) No matching distribution found for robotframework-ncclient

Я попробовал проверку версии для рамки робота и возвратил следующий

Robot Framework 2.8.4 (Python 2.7.12 on linux2)

Что мне делать?

задан 14 September 2017 в 11:21

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