Какой протокол использует apt-get?

Я не могу получать обновления из Интернета. Моя мысль идет на мой брандмауэр, но я не знаю, какие протоколы или порты мне нужно разрешить через мой брандмауэр, чтобы заставить его работать.

задан 7 March 2018 в 14:26

4 ответа

Apt поддерживает несколько протоколов, перечисленных в man sources.list. По умолчанию обычно используется HTTP, но также доступны репозитории FTP и HTTPS. Проверьте свой /etc/apt/sources.list. Поскольку вы можете указывать порты в URI, (например, deb http://foo.bar:9090/xyz ...), также могут использоваться нестандартные порты.

URI SPECIFICATION The currently recognized URI types are: http (apt-transport-http(1)) The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for an archive and is the most commonly used method. The URI can directly include login information if the archive requires it, but the use of apt_auth.conf(5) should be preferred. The method also supports SOCKS5 and HTTP(S) proxies either configured via apt-specific configuration or specified by the environment variable http_proxy in the format (assuming an HTTP proxy requiring authentication) http://user:pass@server:port/. The authentication details for proxies can also be supplied via apt_auth.conf(5). Note that these forms of authentication are insecure as the whole communication with the remote server (or proxy) is not encrypted so a sufficiently capable attacker can observe and record login as well as all other interactions. The attacker can not modify the communication through as APTs data security model is independent of the chosen transport method. See apt-secure(8) for details. https (apt-transport-https(1)) The https scheme specifies an HTTPS server for an archive and is very similar in use and available options to the http scheme. The main difference is that the communication between apt and server (or proxy) is encrypted. Note that the encryption does not prevent an attacker from knowing which server (or proxy) apt is communicating with and deeper analyses can potentially still reveal which data was downloaded. If this is a concern the Tor-based schemes mentioned further below might be a suitable alternative. file The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or archives. cdrom The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CD-ROM, DVD or USB drive with media swapping. Use the apt-cdrom(8) program to create cdrom entries in the source list. ftp The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for an archive. Use of FTP is on the decline in favour of http and https and many archives either never offered or are retiring FTP access. If you still need this method many configuration options for it are available in the Acquire::ftp scope and detailed in apt.conf(5). Please note that an FTP proxy can be specified by using the ftp_proxy environment variable. It is possible to specify an HTTP proxy (HTTP proxy servers often understand FTP URLs) using this environment variable and only this environment variable. Proxies using HTTP specified in the configuration file will be ignored. copy The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. This is useful for people using removable media to copy files around with APT. rsh, ssh The rsh/ssh method invokes RSH/SSH to connect to a remote host and access the files as a given user. Prior configuration of rhosts or RSA keys is recommended. The standard find and dd commands are used to perform the file transfers from the remote host. adding more recognizable URI types APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages, which should follow the naming scheme apt-transport-method. For instance, the APT team also maintains the package apt-transport-tor, which provides access methods for HTTP and HTTPS URIs routed via the Tor network.
ответ дан 17 July 2018 в 19:22

Apt-get использует http, https или ftp (в зависимости от вашего источника.list).

См. Как использовать https с apt-get?

ответ дан 17 July 2018 в 19:22

Apt поддерживает несколько протоколов, перечисленных в man sources.list. По умолчанию обычно используется HTTP, но также доступны репозитории FTP и HTTPS. Проверьте свой /etc/apt/sources.list. Поскольку вы можете указывать порты в URI, (например, deb http://foo.bar:9090/xyz ...), также могут использоваться нестандартные порты.

URI SPECIFICATION The currently recognized URI types are: http (apt-transport-http(1)) The http scheme specifies an HTTP server for an archive and is the most commonly used method. The URI can directly include login information if the archive requires it, but the use of apt_auth.conf(5) should be preferred. The method also supports SOCKS5 and HTTP(S) proxies either configured via apt-specific configuration or specified by the environment variable http_proxy in the format (assuming an HTTP proxy requiring authentication) http://user:pass@server:port/. The authentication details for proxies can also be supplied via apt_auth.conf(5). Note that these forms of authentication are insecure as the whole communication with the remote server (or proxy) is not encrypted so a sufficiently capable attacker can observe and record login as well as all other interactions. The attacker can not modify the communication through as APTs data security model is independent of the chosen transport method. See apt-secure(8) for details. https (apt-transport-https(1)) The https scheme specifies an HTTPS server for an archive and is very similar in use and available options to the http scheme. The main difference is that the communication between apt and server (or proxy) is encrypted. Note that the encryption does not prevent an attacker from knowing which server (or proxy) apt is communicating with and deeper analyses can potentially still reveal which data was downloaded. If this is a concern the Tor-based schemes mentioned further below might be a suitable alternative. file The file scheme allows an arbitrary directory in the file system to be considered an archive. This is useful for NFS mounts and local mirrors or archives. cdrom The cdrom scheme allows APT to use a local CD-ROM, DVD or USB drive with media swapping. Use the apt-cdrom(8) program to create cdrom entries in the source list. ftp The ftp scheme specifies an FTP server for an archive. Use of FTP is on the decline in favour of http and https and many archives either never offered or are retiring FTP access. If you still need this method many configuration options for it are available in the Acquire::ftp scope and detailed in apt.conf(5). Please note that an FTP proxy can be specified by using the ftp_proxy environment variable. It is possible to specify an HTTP proxy (HTTP proxy servers often understand FTP URLs) using this environment variable and only this environment variable. Proxies using HTTP specified in the configuration file will be ignored. copy The copy scheme is identical to the file scheme except that packages are copied into the cache directory instead of used directly at their location. This is useful for people using removable media to copy files around with APT. rsh, ssh The rsh/ssh method invokes RSH/SSH to connect to a remote host and access the files as a given user. Prior configuration of rhosts or RSA keys is recommended. The standard find and dd commands are used to perform the file transfers from the remote host. adding more recognizable URI types APT can be extended with more methods shipped in other optional packages, which should follow the naming scheme apt-transport-method. For instance, the APT team also maintains the package apt-transport-tor, which provides access methods for HTTP and HTTPS URIs routed via the Tor network.
ответ дан 23 July 2018 в 20:06

Apt-get использует http, https или ftp (в зависимости от вашего источника.list).

См. Как использовать https с apt-get?

ответ дан 23 July 2018 в 20:06

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