проблемы установки OpenStack

openstck-установка перестала работать во время Альбомного развертывания с ошибкой как ниже в commands.log.

Problem deploying Landscape: {'output': "2014-12-03 14:49:09 [DEBUG] deployer.cli: Using runtime GoEnvironment on maas\n2014-12-03 14:49:09 [INFO] deployer.cli: Starting deployment of landscape-dense-maas\n2014-12-03 14:49:09 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Getting charms...\n2014-12-03 14:49:09 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/ubuntu/.juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_haproxy-1\n2014-12-03 14:49:09 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/haproxy-1\n2014-12-03 14:49:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/ubuntu/.juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_postgresql-3\n2014-12-03 14:49:11 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/postgresql-3\n2014-12-03 14:49:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/ubuntu/.juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2014-12-03 14:49:12 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/landscape-server-2\n2014-12-03 14:49:13 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/ubuntu/.juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_apache2-4\n2014-12-03 14:49:13 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/apache2-4\n2014-12-03 14:49:14 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/ubuntu/.juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_rabbitmq-server-7\n2014-12-03 14:49:14 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Retrieving store charm cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-7\n2014-12-03 14:49:17 [DEBUG] deployer.charm: Cache dir /home/ubuntu/.juju/.deployer-store-cache/cs_trusty_landscape-server\n2014-12-03 14:49:17 [DEBUG] deployer.deploy: Resolving configuration\n2014-12-03 14:49:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2014-12-03 14:49:17 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2014-12-03 14:49:17 [INFO] deployer.import: Deploying services...\n2014-12-03 14:49:17 [DEBUG] deployer.import: <deployer.env.go.GoEnvironment object at 0x7f6bf4d8df10>\n2014-12-03 14:49:18 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service apache2 using cs:trusty/apache2-4\n2014-12-03 14:49:18 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Refetching status for placement deploys\n2014-12-03 14:49:35 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service haproxy using cs:trusty/haproxy-1\n2014-12-03 14:49:40 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service landscape using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2014-12-03 14:49:47 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service landscape-msg using cs:trusty/landscape-server\n2014-12-03 14:49:52 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service postgresql using cs:trusty/postgresql-3\n2014-12-03 14:50:17 [INFO] deployer.import:  Deploying service rabbitmq-server using cs:trusty/rabbitmq-server-7\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Adding units...\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'apache2' does not need any more units added.\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'haproxy' does not need any more units added.\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'landscape' does not need any more units added.\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'landscape-msg' does not need any more units added.\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'postgresql' does not need any more units added.\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import:  Service 'rabbitmq-server' does not need any more units added.\n2014-12-03 14:50:33 [DEBUG] deployer.import: Waiting for units before adding relations\n2014-12-03 15:29:01 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/0 change:pending\n2014-12-03 15:30:15 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/1 change:pending\n2014-12-03 15:31:44 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/2 change:pending\n2014-12-03 15:33:03 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/3 change:pending\n2014-12-03 15:35:21 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/4 change:pending\n2014-12-03 15:37:26 [DEBUG] deployer.env:  Delta machine: 0/lxc/5 change:pending\n2014-12-03 16:21:02 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connecting to environment...\n2014-12-03 16:21:02 [DEBUG] deployer.env: Connected to environment\n2014-12-03 16:21:02 [ERROR] deployer.import: Reached deployment timeout.. exiting\n2014-12-03 16:21:02 [INFO] deployer.cli: Deployment stopped. run time: 5513.43\n", 'status': 1}
DEBUG • 12-03 16:21:02 [LINE:51, FUNC:global_exchandler] • cloudinstall.utils • Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/utils.py", line 66, in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.4/threading.py", line 868, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/machinewait.py", line 127, in do_continue
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 175, in do_install
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 699, in run
  File "/usr/share/openstack/cloudinstall/multi_install.py", line 731, in deploy_landscape
    raise Exception("Error deploying Landscape.")
Exception: Error deploying Landscape.

Также есть ли способ возобновиться от точки, где это перестало работать и где пошаговые журналы, доступные для процесса установки OpenStack, поскольку commands.log не дает ясные журналы.

задан 5 December 2014 в 08:54

1 ответ

Мне нужно больше информации, чтобы помочь Вам сортировать отказ, отредактируйте свой вопрос, и мы отсортируем его.

Что касается Вашего второго вопроса: нет никакого способа возобновить установщик, нет.

, Если Вы хотели бы эту функцию, действительно ли можно ли зарегистрировать проблему? (Даже наличие полей остается заполненным, была бы справка!)



ответ дан 10 November 2019 в 23:29

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