Is there an App that хан make my desktop dimmer

I used an app in Windows 7, I think called dimmer to make the screen change its contrast settings so I could dim it lower than the controls of the ПК defaults such эксперт function key or the power options in контроль панель.

Пахал there any of these type apps for Ubuntu 15.04 or approved for the latest Ubuntu LTS версия on в ПК-laptop.

My computer ты существуешь the используйте of function keys that change its brightness. It используй 0-8 step brightness scale where 0 is the least bright and 8 is the brightest. 0 is too bright for my comfort level especially at night

Following the suggestion in an answer below I added the following to etc/default/grub:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="resume=UUID=8bcb4169-f5ab-4ab6-b644-23e528088d41 acpi_backlight=vendor"

and updated grub

My screen brightness did not go any dimmer than it had before. Oddly the brightness level seems to go to level 2 brightness on в 0-8 scale every украл I reboot which it did not do приор to the etc/default/grub change. I повторно опрокиньте my grub file back to previous settings.

гve installed Indicator-Brightness but this app does not dim my desktop any further than my function keys do and there пахал не меню to конфигурируйте it to do so.

I actively pursued other related questions to find в solution and reporting results of that action here. Its в process that takes украл. To those that have provided неудар в лунку, Thank you for being patient.

There пахал many aspects to graphics, screen brightness, contrasts, temp цвет, гамму.

I tried

xbacklight -set 50
xbacklight -dec 10 and 03 etc.

Общепринятый This never increased or decreased beyond the 0-8 steps the ПК provides i.e. не difference than current function key levels.

Interestingly в comment below my question by Серг Коло (thanks :) led я to info on xrandr путь the linked sources at the bottom of the information - provided concerning his рукописный шрифт:

xrandr -q | grep " connected"
xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 0.5

I had не разрабатывает this was available and already installed - apparently. Конечный With the second command in my screen went darker than it ever ты существуешь. I then tested:

xrandr --output LVDS1 --brightness 0.9

Which got я back to the общепринятый lowest level. This appears to be changing contrast levels not brightness, which is exactly what I was asking about. В простой конечный command in is схвати good туз an App.

I have since studied xrandr so that I хан get an разрабатывает of how that command works.

Perhaps someone could explain xrandr in easy terms but until then please исследовал the information from the соединение above.

Edit сентябрь 16

In good faith and collaboration I decided to try the рукописный шрифт from Serg's answer below. Following his directions I was able to make this рукописный шрифт work for я. I wish I knew how the рукописный шрифт определи what the ямс of my screen is for the используйте of xrandr command but the good news is it works.

Thank you Serg and all for your неудар в лунку

задан 16 September 2015 в 22:39

2 ответа

Выполните эти шаги точно:

  1. Откройте терминал через Ctrl-Alt-T

  2. Создайте папку для сценария

    mkdir -p ~/bin
  3. Откройте файл ~/bin/ в gedit.

    gedit ~/bin/ 
  4. Скопируйте по коду ниже, сохранили файл, закрывают редактора.

    # Author: Serg Kolo
    # Date: Mon Aug 24 , 2015
    # Description: setup script for creating
    # launcher and setting up the Dimmer script
    createBinFolder() {
     if [ ! -e "$HOME/bin" ]; then
       mkdir "$HOME/bin"
     echo "created bin folder"
    createLauncher() {
     OUTPUT="$(gsettings get $SCHEMA $KEY | awk -v file="$DESKFILE" -v sq="'"  '{ sub(/\]/,""); print  $0","sq"application://"file sq "]"  }')" ;
     gsettings set $SCHEMA $KEY "$OUTPUT" ;
     echo "Launcher for Dimmer created"
    createScriptFile() {
     touch "$SCRIPTFILE"
     chmod 755 "$SCRIPTFILE"
     echo "Created script file. Please copy over the code to \"$SCRIPTFILE\""
    createDeskFile() {
     printf "[Desktop Entry]\nName=Dimmer\nExec=%s\nType=Application\nTerminal=false" "$SCRIPTFILE" > "$DESKFILE"
  5. Сделайте исполняемый файл файла и запустите сценарий установки

    chmod 755 ~/bin/ && ~/bin/

    Тот сценарий создаст bin папка и пробел файл.

  6. Отредактируйте файл

    gedit ~/bin/
  7. Скопируйте код ниже, сохраните и закройте редактора

    # Name: backlightscript
    # Author: Serg Kolo
    # Date: March 2 , 2015
    # Description: Simple script to change screen brightness using xrandr
    # uncomment this for debugging as needed
    # set -x
    NEWVAL=$( zenity --scale --min-value=0 --max-value=7 --text="Enter number between 0 and 7" ) && brightness=$(($NEWVAL+2))
    if [ "$NEWVAL" != "" ]; then
        xrandr --output "$( xrandr | awk '$2=="connected" {print $1}')" --brightness 0.$brightness

Теперь необходимо смочь дважды щелкнуть по средству запуска и получить ту более тусклую работу приложения.

ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 15:56

Если Вы редактируете файл/etc/default/grub и изменяете строку:




и затем выполненный

sudo update-grub

и перезагрузка, у Вас должна быть способность понизить экранную подсветку к абсолютно черному.

ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 15:56

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