Не access to поля when booting from USB

My Ubuntu - been screwed up somehow so I am booting from в USB to save my восходи. However, I can't access some поля and folders. I get this ошибка:

This location could not be displayed. You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “”.

Does anyone know how I хан access these поля?

well, let я try to explain little бит обитал. it is difficult to explain because I don't know what is happening here. I don't know much about using терминал. so I am just using the мышь to do everything. When the usb boot start I click the icon of поля and I found в folder that there пахал my saving восходите from my old ubuntu. In devises 495GB... after clicking this there is the folder ямс is home / user/..... In this user holder I found the my old восходил. but the amount of all поля шоу only 3gb instead of 200gb and I cant open some of folders. I cant access some picture folder. but I don't know exactly because some pictures I хан see it.

задан 9 November 2015 в 07:43

1 ответ

Я принимаю Вашу попытку вынуть файлы из HDD, используя живой usb, таким образом, Вы можете повторно установить...

, Если это так, я попытался бы использовать «директора» sudo chmod 777-R, который предоставит весь пользовательский доступ к файлам в «директоре»

ответ дан 30 September 2019 в 05:16

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