Why is ALSA only recording in 44100Hz?

гm trying to setup аудио recording on Ubuntu 14.04.3 Server. I need to рекорд аудио in 16000Hz and гm using an external USB soundcard, that definitely supports this sample rate.

However, when I try:

 arecord -f S16_LE -r 16000 -D default -c 1 test.wav

I always receive the following warning:

Warning: rate is not accurate (requested = 48000Hz, got = 44100Hz)

And this ты ешь always. I tried different аудио devices эксперт well but it only ever gives я 44100Hz.

Here is my /etc/asound.conf:

pcm.custom {
        type hw
        card UA25EX

ctl.custom {
        type hw
        card UA25EX

pcm.!default pcm.custom
ctl.!default ctl.custom

I also tried to set the sample rate in that file explicitly, but that only results in в bad configuration, so that the device is not found any обитал.

So what хан I do, to рекорд in 16000Hz?


> arecord -d 1 -v test.wav
Recording WAVE 'test.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono
arecord: set_params:1233: Sample format non available
Available formats:
- S16_LE

> cat /proc/asound/U0x41e0x30d3/stream0
  Status: Stop
  Interface 1
    Altset 1
    Format: S16_LE
    Channels: 2
    Endpoint: 1 OUT (ADAPTIVE)
    Rates: 48000, 44100

  Status: Stop
  Interface 2
    Altset 1
    Format: S16_LE
    Channels: 1
    Endpoint: 2 IN (ASYNC)
    Rates: 48000, 44100
задан 1 December 2015 в 19:55

1 ответ

Так называемая "Игра Звуковой карты!" устройство поддерживает только 44,1 и 48 кГц.

ответ дан 7 December 2019 в 16:05

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