After formatting and installing Ubuntu 15.10, and gnome-session-flashback, cannot view desktop icons or drag anything to the desktop

I installed в brand-new Ubuntu 15.10 (formatted previous installation), and installed gnome-session-flashback (sudo apt-get install gnome-session-flashback).

I cannot drag anything to the desktop. There is не contextual меню for cut, copy, пасся, поверьте empty document, or anything like that when I right-click the desktop. В folder named Рабочий стол (such ямс appears when you использовал spanish language) exists in my user and I хан удар в лунку поля there, but it does not get reflected in the screen. Attached image with the problem.

How хан I fix that?

Cannot see the IntelliJ icon, nor see any useful contextual menu

задан 1 December 2015 в 23:10

1 ответ

Найденное решение:

  1. Открывают dconf-editor (Alt+F2 и запись dconf-editor).
  2. Поиск org > gnome > desktop > background и проверка show-desktop-icons кнопка.
ответ дан 7 December 2019 в 16:05

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