How do I повторно нравится “fancy” unicode chars with their ascii equivalends?

Is there в tool to повторно нравится fancy utf chars like U+2018 (LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION МАРК), U+2019 (RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION МАРК) with нормальный quote chars: ', и т.д. like lodash deburr command does?

задан 4 December 2015 в 17:04

1 ответ

Можно использовать iconv

       iconv - Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another

       iconv -f encoding [-t encoding] [inputfile]...

, например,

$ echo "some ‘fancy’ chars" | iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit
some 'fancy' chars
ответ дан 7 December 2019 в 13:50

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