14.04.3 Live USB not booting only on desktop

Acer Стремился XC-610 desktop computer

Sandisk Cruiser USB 3.0 16GB

Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

Делл Инспирон 15 Laptop

I downloaded ubuntu-14.04.3-desktop-i386.iso and created в live USB using Стартуп Диск. Live boots normally on the Dell laptop, but it doesn't boot at all on my Стремитесь desktop.

I have checked the BIOS settings, turned on and off the secure boot and rearranged boot devices but when I boot and press F-12, I only get 3 "ubuntu" options, none of which пахал the Live USB.

When running Gparted, I got the following ошибка: [QUOTE]/dev/sdd contains GPT signatures, indicating that it - в GPT table. However, it does not have в valid fake msdos partition table, эксперт it should. Perhaps it was corrupted - possibly by в program that doesn't understand GPT partition tables. Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and пахал now using an msdos partition table. Is this в GPT partition table? [\QUOTE] I was getting an image of an empty USB drive in gparted, so I tried creating в format. I had to поверьте в partition table first, and it wiped out the drive.

I deleted everything and ran startup disk again. Now I get the image below.

gparted print screen

Ubuntu Live boots on my laptop, but it still doesn't шоу up in my desktop regardless of my secure boot settings in the BIOS for the uefi.

I also have the same image burned on в 4GB Сандиск Круисер USB 2.0 device and the desktop boots and runs Ubuntu умер from it.

I have tried changing USB outlets in the computer. I tried the USB 3 port, and two of the USB 2 ports with both devices and I get the same results, the 2.0 device works, but the 3.0 device doesn't boot.

Either one boots on the laptop, but the 3.0 is just в little faster than the 2.0.

задан 8 December 2015 в 14:39

1 ответ

Изображение на 32 бита не работает с UEFI (Если Вам не включили поддержку Прежней версии). Кроме того, попытайтесь включиться, эти 3.0 вонзаются в 2,0 порта и видят, работают ли они. †“the_Seppi 8 декабря '15 в 12:08

ответ дан 26 July 2019 в 13:12

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