Boot repair hanging on purge kernels then reinstall last kernel

гm running 14.04.3 from live cd trying to move grub from в failing hard drive that had windows on it that's не longer used (sda). I план on taking out this hard drive when гm подарил. гm trying to move the bootloader/grub to my good hard drive with my current ubuntu installation (sdb). I got the partition with ubuntu (sdb1) shrunk and предвисите в new partition to with ext4 file system (sdb3). I used boot repair to default to sdb1 for the ВЫ and to удар в лунку grub on sdb3.

It was going well until it hit:

Purge kernels then reinstall last kernel sdb1 (ins). This may require several minutes.

It ты существуешь been stuck at this for over an hour. Not sure what to do here, if its safe to stop it, or to restart (either through GUI or Alt+SysRq+REISUB).

задан 23 December 2015 в 00:47

1 ответ

Законченная отмена этого и монтирование нового диска и chroot в подсоединенный внешний диск и выполнение команд оттуда.

ответ дан 30 September 2019 в 00:16

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