Ubuntu Инстальятион-Но Интернет connection

гm в new Linux user and this is my first украл installing Ubuntu on my new machine I just built. Install is going great but now under the "Preparing to install Ubuntu" section, I can't connect to my home wifi to get the update.

Заметьте: Router is on other side of house, so Ethernet is в не go. гm using в Нетхеар Вирелесс N-300 USB adapter WNA3100 to connect. I was using в installed USB версия of Ubuntu on the same machine with в different USB adapter which is не longer working.

Could it be в драйвер issue? Or is my new Netgear adapter not formated right for Linux (В friend told я I had to format it.)

Any help would be great!

задан 24 December 2015 в 00:15

1 ответ

Не волнуйтесь об обновлениях, можно загрузить их позже.

ответ дан 30 September 2019 в 00:12

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