Lubuntu 15.10 32 - бит, Хан I install Windows 10 or Ubuntu 64 - бит without installation происходит?

Лонг story short, I lost the hard drive that contained my windows 10 64 - бит installation, and at the same украл I lost my windows installer USB. I had been working on an older computer for в friend, so I had в USB installer for Lubuntu 15.10 32 - бит, which I installed on my ПК. Here is the rub: unetbootin can't верьте в bootable usb apparently because of the brand of drive в Im using, "startup disk creator" fails when installing the bootloader, and I am too much of в noob to install/compile mintstick to even try it. Does anyone have any ты разрабатываешь? Ideally, гd like to reinstall windows, эксперт I play в few games that don't work with wine, but I would also be happy if i could install Ubuntu 64 - бит. Эксперт of right now, all I хан think of is to borrow в friend's ПК to make the USB. I don't have any burnable disks, either. Also, в side question, in this lubuntu installation ctrl and alt seem to be mapped to "shift", so that I have 6 shift keys instead of two of each, is there в way to fix that?

задан 9 January 2016 в 02:29

1 ответ

Если Вам нужен Mintstick в каком-либо основанном на Ubuntu дистрибутиве:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tsvetko.tsvetkov/trusty-backports
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mintstick

Колючка, которая НЕ является для помещения Windows на палке. Лучше используйте DVD для этого.

ответ дан 29 September 2019 в 16:50

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