Установка нескольких *-dev пакеты

Я пытаюсь установить несколько dev пакетов, но я сохраняю в столкновение с контрольно-пропускными пунктами, и этот нов:

khishman@khishman-desktop:~/dev/powertab/build$ sudo aptitude install  qtbase5-dev  libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libboost-date-time-dev libboost-date-time1.58-dev{ab} libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-filesystem1.58-dev{ab} libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-iostreams1.58-dev{ab} libboost-system1.58-dev{ab} libqt5concurrent5{a} 
  libqt5opengl5-dev{ab} qt5-qmake{a} qtbase5-dev{b} qtbase5-dev-tools{a} 
0 packages upgraded, 12 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 3,362 kB of archives. After unpacking 23.3 MB will be used.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libqt5opengl5-dev : Depends: libqt5opengl5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
 libboost-date-time1.58-dev : Depends: libboost-date-time1.58.0 (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 is installed.
 libboost-filesystem1.58-dev : Depends: libboost-filesystem1.58.0 (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 is installed.
 libboost-iostreams1.58-dev : Depends: libboost-iostreams1.58.0 (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 is installed.
 qtbase5-dev : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5dbus5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5gui5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5network5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5printsupport5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5sql5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5test5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5widgets5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5xml5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
 libboost-system1.58-dev : Depends: libboost-system1.58.0 (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 is installed.
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

      Keep the following packages at their current version:              
1)      libboost-date-time-dev [Not Installed]                           
2)      libboost-date-time1.58-dev [Not Installed]                       
3)      libboost-filesystem-dev [Not Installed]                          
4)      libboost-filesystem1.58-dev [Not Installed]                      
5)      libboost-iostreams-dev [Not Installed]                           
6)      libboost-iostreams1.58-dev [Not Installed]                       
7)      libboost-system1.58-dev [Not Installed]                          
8)      libqt5opengl5-dev [Not Installed]                                
9)      qtbase5-dev [Not Installed]                                      

      Leave the following dependencies unresolved:                       
10)     qtbase5-dev recommends libqt5opengl5-dev (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7)

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] q
Abandoning all efforts to resolve these dependencies.

Кажется, что пакеты не договариваются о вспомогательной версии, например

Depends: libqt5opengl5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed

кажется, конфликт на между 16ubuntu7 и 16ubuntu7.2 тогда как

Depends: libboost-iostreams1.58.0 (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 is installed.

Кажется, конфликт между 5ubuntu3 и 5ubuntu3.1

Если Вы не заметили, что я использую aptitude и нет apt-get. Переключатель был попыткой закончить подобное препятствие ("..., но это не будет установленным", "Вы держали поврежденные пакеты" препятствие), я попробовал sudo apt-get autoremove и sudo apt-get install -f на всякий случай. Я также удостоверился, что удалил весь unofficial ppas

khishman@khishman-desktop:/etc/apt$ find ./ -name *.list -exec grep -E "^[\s]*deb" {} \;
deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main
deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security main
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security universe

Но без удачи.

Любая справка будет цениться.

задан 30 May 2017 в 07:22

1 ответ

Я закончил тем, что отклонил первое решение способности, и второе решение оказалось понижением большинства зависимостей к более ранней версии (от 16ubunt7.2 вниз к 16ubuntu7 и 5ubuntu3.1 вниз к 5ubuntu3). Я не уверен, было ли это правильным поступком, но я действительно достигал своей цели.

khishman@khishman-desktop:/etc/apt$ sudo aptitude install  qtbase5-dev libboost-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-iostreams-dev
libboost-dev is already installed at the requested version (
libboost-dev is already installed at the requested version (
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libboost-date-time-dev libboost-date-time1.58-dev{ab} libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-filesystem1.58-dev{ab} libboost-iostreams-dev libboost-iostreams1.58-dev{ab} libboost-regex1.58-dev{ab} libboost-serialization1.58-dev{ab} 
  libboost-serialization1.58.0{a} libboost-system1.58-dev{ab} libqt5concurrent5{a} libqt5opengl5-dev{ab} qt5-qmake{a} qtbase5-dev{b} qtbase5-dev-tools{a} 
0 packages upgraded, 15 newly installed, 0 to remove and 14 not upgraded.
Need to get 3,944 kB of archives. After unpacking 29.4 MB will be used.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libqt5opengl5-dev : Depends: libqt5opengl5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
 libboost-date-time1.58-dev : Depends: libboost1.58-dev (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 is installed.
 libboost-regex1.58-dev : Depends: libboost1.58-dev (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 is installed.
                          Depends: libboost-regex1.58.0 (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1) but it is not going to be installed.
 libboost-serialization1.58-dev : Depends: libboost1.58-dev (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 is installed.
 libboost-filesystem1.58-dev : Depends: libboost1.58-dev (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 is installed.
 libboost-iostreams1.58-dev : Depends: libboost1.58-dev (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 is installed.
 qtbase5-dev : Depends: libqt5core5a (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5dbus5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5gui5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5network5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5printsupport5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5sql5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5test5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5widgets5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
               Depends: libqt5xml5 (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7) but 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 is installed.
 libboost-system1.58-dev : Depends: libboost1.58-dev (= 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1) but 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 is installed.
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

      Keep the following packages at their current version:              
1)      libboost-date-time-dev [Not Installed]                           
2)      libboost-date-time1.58-dev [Not Installed]                       
3)      libboost-filesystem-dev [Not Installed]                          
4)      libboost-filesystem1.58-dev [Not Installed]                      
5)      libboost-iostreams-dev [Not Installed]                           
6)      libboost-iostreams1.58-dev [Not Installed]                       
7)      libboost-regex1.58-dev [Not Installed]                           
8)      libboost-serialization1.58-dev [Not Installed]                   
9)      libboost-system1.58-dev [Not Installed]                          
10)     libqt5opengl5-dev [Not Installed]                                
11)     qtbase5-dev [Not Installed]                                      

      Leave the following dependencies unresolved:                       
12)     qtbase5-dev recommends libqt5opengl5-dev (= 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7)

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] n   
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

      Install the following packages:                                                                 
1)      libboost-date-time1.58-dev [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                    
2)      libboost-filesystem1.58-dev [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                   
3)      libboost-iostreams1.58-dev [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                    
4)      libboost-regex1.58-dev [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                        
5)      libboost-regex1.58.0 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                          
6)      libboost-serialization1.58-dev [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                
7)      libboost-serialization1.58.0 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                  
8)      libboost-system1.58-dev [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]                                       

      Downgrade the following packages:                                                               
9)      libboost-date-time1.58.0 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 (now) -> 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]      
10)     libboost-filesystem1.58.0 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 (now) -> 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]     
11)     libboost-filesystem1.58.0:i386 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 (now) -> 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]
12)     libboost-iostreams1.58.0 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 (now) -> 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]      
13)     libboost-system1.58.0 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 (now) -> 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]         
14)     libboost-system1.58.0:i386 [1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 (now) -> 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3 (xenial)]    
15)     libqt5core5a [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                  
16)     libqt5dbus5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                   
17)     libqt5gui5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                    
18)     libqt5network5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                
19)     libqt5opengl5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                 
20)     libqt5printsupport5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]           
21)     libqt5sql5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                    
22)     libqt5test5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                   
23)     libqt5widgets5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                
24)     libqt5xml5 [5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7.2 (now) -> 5.5.1+dfsg-16ubuntu7 (xenial)]                    

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] Y
ответ дан 8 December 2019 в 05:13

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