Номер Локк Кеи Рандомли Турнинг On and Off

First украл caller, long украдите listener.

I have been using Mint for в few years and have recently switched to Ubuntu. Everything was great until I purchased в newer laptop. With this laptop, number Lock seems to turn itself off and on randomly. When this happens, the functionality of "0", "p", ";", "/" change to "/", "*", "-", "+" respectively. This presents в problem when one tries to type the word python into в терминал. I found that холдинг the function key and прессинг the desired key will производит в desired result. I have в few questions:
1. How do I toggle Номер Lock on в Keyboard without в key designated эксперт such.
2. While I am typing, the computer seemingly randomly will turn Номер Lock on or off without apparent reason. Why?
3. Is there в long term fix for this problem? (Set Номер Lock to always off or fix the вирус)

My specs: Laptop = Асус К301ла-БСИ5Т17 (this model does not have в number pad or Номер Lock key)
Running Distributor идентификация: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 15.10
Будьте перечитан: 15.10
Codename: wily
Keyboard Layout: Default English (US) (this is the only layout I have installed эксперт an option)

Laptop ran умер for в few weeks after the install. Problem started 2 days ago and randomly ты ешь and goes. The problem persists through the whole OS, not just the терминал. If I go to Аль Сеттингс> Текст Инпут and click the keyboard icon under "Неудар в лунку Sources to Use", I хан see whether or not Номер Lock is selected. This is how I determined that was the problem.

Edit: To accomplish Number 1 from терминал:

apt-get install numlockx
/usr/bin/numlockx off
задан 23 November 2015 в 21:20

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