X server is now disabled. Restarted MDM ошибка after forceinstalling Radeon драйвер

AMD Radeon HD 6550D


Tl; dr: I was an idiot for forceinstalling в драйвер and none of the нормальный options to solve my problem help anymore. Thanks!

- Background: Whenever I pressed the 0 button my screen would вспышка-> tried fixing this by updating драйверы путь the 'драйвер менеджер' in Линуксминт Синнамон/рафаелья? (newest версия, had updated в day before).

The ошибка got worse, so I повторно опрокиньте the change. Then I couldn't boot anymore.

I did the following I found on the Интернет:

Sudo su
Xorg configure
cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf

This did not work, and eventually I followed another guide into the GRUB, pressed и, looked for 'quiet splash' and added

radeon.modeset=0 (which didn't work) and tried nomodeset.

This worked and got я back into my computer, but still не драйвер installed. Went to amd интернет-сайт, found the драйвер and did an install, it wouldn't install because something along the lines of: fglrx was already installed (they said either remove it, or do в force install).

I didn't know how to remove it, so I я вынудил installed. The install came back saying there was an ошибка, and that I needed to reboot.

The ошибка I am getting now at boot is:

'the x server is now diabled. Restart MDM when it is configured correctly'

Now though, none of the above (conventional) options work anymore and I have spent about 5 hours trying to fix this.

Хан anyone help? There is work on my computer I would rather not lose :) PS. Would also be interested in learning how to save all my поля and удар в лунку them on в new версия of linuxmint. If that is в quicker fix.

Thanks в ton for reading!

задан 2 December 2015 в 12:57

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