How to конфигурировал мульти-монитор docking setup so that it just works

гm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on в Тинкпад Т540п using an Ультра Докк with two attached monitors. The Thinkpad is built with Intel graphics; the monitors пашите attached путь DVI and HDMI respectively, and шоу up эксперт DP2-1 and DP2-2 under xrandr. The laptop screen шоу up эксперт eDP1.

When undocked, I использовал the laptop screen. When docked, the laptop is shut and I использовал the two monitors.

The problem is that when docked, the Ubuntu login screen only шоу up on the laptop's screen. I need to move my monitors out of the way, open the laptop, log in, then shut the laptop and обобщает work on the main monitors.

TherВs в сходный problem when resuming after в suspend. I suspend the laptops every day, undock it and lock it away. The next morning I pop it into the dock and обобщает it. However it doesn't включи тебе the monitors attached to the dock until I open the laptop, whereupon I хан unlock it. I then shut the laptop and it stops using the laptop screen.

Is there в стандарт way of configuring Ubuntu so that it automatically only используй available attached monitors and doesn't try to используйте the laptop screen when the сражение is shut and other monitors пашите attached? Особенный In, login and lock (post он обобщает) screens.

Заметьте that to get this setup to используйте both monitors in the first нравься and not the laptop screen, I had to run xrandr manually:

xrandr --output DP2-1 --primary --output eDP1 --off

The GUI configuration only saw one dock-attached монитор initially and didn't let конфигурировал меня either; it's like it only saw DP2, and didn't recognize displayport daisy chaining.

задан 2 December 2015 в 13:10

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