14.04 Блуетоот Спеакер Аутоматикальи Свичес from A2DP to Телефони Дуплекс

I have в Bluetooth speaker, I originally paired it with my Ubuntu 14.04 machine and mistakenly had the curiosity to see if I could change equalizer settings by installing pulseaudio-equalizer. When I did that and performed в restart, I could не longer set the speakers mode to Иг Фиделити Playback (A2DP). The option was listed, but it wasn't applying the setting.

I decided to re-pair the bluetooth speaker, and when I did I was able to set the mode to Иг Фиделити Playback (A2DP). But, it doesn't keep that setting. So now, ever since I installed and sequentially переместите pulseaudi-equalizer, I have to re-pair the device after every reboot to apply the Иг Фиделити Playback (A2DP) mode.

Is there в configuration issue that I am missing? В library missing? Do I have в profile that my configuration is defaulting to on reboot?

I should also заметил that when I uninstalled pulseaudio-equalizer it ended up breaking my аудио sound indicator and removing sound systems from system settings. I had to reinstall both to get them to appear again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

задан 25 December 2015 в 18:21

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