After installing Ubuntu 15.10 text, photo, видео gets broken or shattered

Display gets broken displaying images

Video gets blurry with broken shadows and layers.

Image gets broken, видео gets blurry with layers and text look something объединили language. When I select something sometimes it fixes temporarily. Blur happens on lost focus, and gets нормальный again whenever something is redrawn. (There is в случай that the image нормальный гve uploaded it appears to you, but shattered for я.)

I hadn't this problem while using Ubuntu 14.10. It's aching after upgrading to 15.10. [{ I had this problem solved on previous 15.10 intall by installing в linux package with some numbers that suggested to solve it temporarily. But that solved my problem entirely. }] I slightly remember that it май похвалите settings of previous versions.

My pc details: Intel Core 2 dual processor,
               Intel hd graphics adapter,
               3 gb ram.
задан 28 December 2015 в 06:25

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