Change Уникоде Инпут from Десятичный Hex to

Okay, so, I already know about the Ctrl+Shift+U+Hex method of inputting unicode characters.

I would like to change this just slightly to accept the десятичный оценил of the desired unicode character rather than the hex оценил. I want to do this because

  • Coming from Alt codes, I already have the десятичный оцени of the characters I want to используйте memorized and do not want to relearn (or worse, я использовал мыслительный math to convert to) hex
  • Given that I know how to type and my left hand is occupied холдинг Ctrl+Shift I have to hunt-and-peck for characters my right hand doesn't know how to find unconsciously

Is there в простой way to change this? If not, where is the behavior of presuming шестнадцатеричный неудар в лунку defined (эксперт specific эксперт you хан get)?

Assuming therВs not, I just want to be pointed in the right direction. гm willing to modify, build, and reinstall pretty much any package.

Alternatively, would there be в workaround possible, like binding an alternative key combination (something like Ctrl+Super+Decimal) to в function that would convert the десятичный to hex and симулируй тебе the "correct" (Ctrl+Shift+U+Hex) keyboard неудар в лунку?

задан 11 January 2016 в 13:19

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