ubuntu 15.10 Intel Nuc5i5 Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors

I just did в fresh install of ubuntu 15.10 on my Nuc5i5ryh with в iiyama Пролите Б2888УСУ and everytime I boot I get the message "Could not apply the stored configuration for monitors". When I kill the message it puts я back on в undesired resolution, and I have to set the resolution setting up again.

Also when I set up the "Displays" settings, it шоу screen resolution that souldn't be there (4:3, 16:10.).

I tried removing monitors.xml just in вступил в брак, doesn't work.

I had Ubuntu 15.04 just before and I hadn't this ошибка.

I guess it's обитал of в вирус эксперт it is в fresh install.

Many thanks

FYI: Reported the вирус there, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu / + source/xorg / + bug/1511247

задан 29 October 2015 в 12:21

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