Ubuntu Gnome 15.10 многообразный монитор issues

I have в few problems since installing 15.10 on my Dell XPS 13 9343, mostly concerning мульти-монитор использовал.

  1. If the screen blanks (based on power settings), the external монитор cannot be woken up again - it remains permanently blank. My workaround is to unplug it and plug it in again.

  2. I run VirtualBox and использовал the external монитор схвати в full-screen display of the VM, while keeping электронная почта, Веб browsing и т.д. on the main laptop display. If I move the мышь from the VM onto the activities бар on the laptop display (for example, click on the calendar in the top бар) without clicking on any of the application windows, the display often becomes невключил. If I click on an application window first, it works properly. When it's невключил, it is снимите hard to get контроль back. Sometimes using the "windows" key will bring it back, sometimes I have to использовал Ctrl/Alt/Del then ширма the shutdown dialog.

The second issue existed with 15.05 previously.

Сходный Does anyone else have problems or solutions? Thanks!

задан 10 November 2015 в 13:19

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