Не мог определить местоположение tasksel или сервера лампы

Я пытаюсь установить сервер лампы на рабочем столе человечности 14.04

Я запускаю с sudo apt-get update. Этот процесс, кажется, не завершается все же. После Получения: 1 список завершается, я имею

Get:2 http://www.plexapp.com lucid
69% [2 InRelease gpgv 23.3 kB] [1 Sources 2,792 kB/6,399 kB 44%]
[Waiting for hSplitting up /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/www.plexapp.com_repo_dists_lucid_InReleasIgn http://    www.plexapp.com lucid InRelease                                     
E: GPG error: http://www.plexapp.com lucid InRelease: Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NODATA' (does the network require authentication?)

Я должен зафиксировать это? Раз так, как?

Я затем продолжаю: склонные sudo - получают установку tasksel

Но доберитесь

W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main i386 Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/    linux.dropbox.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_binary-i386_Packages)
W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems
E: Unable to locate package tasksel

Поскольку Вы могли бы ожидать, что этот после команды, хотя предпринято не работает:

sudo tasksel устанавливают сервер лампы

Я также попробовал

склонные sudo - получают установку lamp-server^

Который приводит к следующему

Note, selecting 'apache2-bin' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'libapache2-mod-php5' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'mysql-server-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'mysql-client-core-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'mysql-server' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'php5-readline' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'apache2-mpm-prefork' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'mysql-client-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'mysql-common' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'libmysqlclient18' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'mysql-server-core-5.5' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'php5-mysql' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'apache2-data' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'apache2' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'php5-common' for task 'lamp-server'
Note, selecting 'php5-cli' for task 'lamp-server'
libmysqlclient18 is already the newest version.
libmysqlclient18 set to manually installed.
mysql-common is already the newest version.
mysql-common set to manually installed.
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 apache2-bin : Depends: 
libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 but it is not installable or 
libaprutil1-dbd-mysql but it is not installable or
libaprutil1-dbd-odbc but it is not installable or
libaprutil1-dbd-pgsql but it is not installable or
libaprutil1-dbd-freetds but it is not installable
Depends: libaprutil1-ldap but it is not installable
mysql-client-5.5 : Depends: libdbd-mysql-perl (>= 1.2202) but it
is not installable
    Depends: libdbi-perl but it is not installable
    Depends: libterm-readkey-perl but it is not installable
    mysql-server-5.5 : Depends: libdbi-perl but it is not
    Recommends: libhtml-template-perl but it is not installable
    mysql-server-core-5.5 : Depends: libaio1 (>= 0.3.93) but it
    is not installable
    php5-common : Depends: php5-json but it is not installable
    E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
задан 26 October 2014 в 06:08

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