Невозможно найти пакеты и ошибки dpkg

Я пытался установить netbeans. Теперь я ничего не могу установить - я получаю различные ошибки при попытке

Это пример ошибки, которую я получаю:

$ sudo apt-get install defoult-jre
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package defoult-jre

rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~$ cd Downloads
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~/Downloads$ ls
jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm  netbeans-8.2-linux.sh  popcorntime

rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~/Downloads$ chmod 755 jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~/Downloads$ sudo ./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm 
./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: 1: ./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: cannot create �,�0�@bf802f8c16be99346ce683a49f8ea6015f466193����al�����l0�vz}�>�������9�x?�h��
                          ���   �   K������
                                                                      ��7�  a�s�{�����<}�����   �N�
,��*�bԨd�?e�Df�Gl�I��dCjdk-�Java Platform Standard Edition Development KitThe Java Platform Standard Edition Development Kit (JDK) includes both
the runtime environment (Java virtual machine, the Java platform classes
and supporting files) and development tools (compilers, debuggers,
tool libraries and other tools).

The JDK is a development environment for building applications, applets
and components that can be deployed with the Java Platform Standard
Edition Runtime Environment.Y�r�sca00llc.us.oracle.comx�Oracle: File name too long
./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: 1: ./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: ����jdk-9.0.1-2000:9.0.1-ga���T: not found
Error: unpack200 - command could not be found.

Please refer to the Troubleshooting section of theInstallation Instructions
on the download page.
./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: 915: [: unexpected operator
./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: 916: [: unexpected operator
/usr/sbin/alternatives not available, skip registering alternatives for java...
./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: 2608: ./jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~/Downloads$ ls
jdk-9.0.1_linux-x64_bin.rpm  netbeans-8.2-linux.sh  popcorntime
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get jdk-9.0.1_linuxx64_bin.rpm
E: Invalid operation jdk-9.0.1_linuxx64_bin.rpm
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get jdk-9.0.1_linux64_bin.rpmE: Invalid operation jdk-9.0.1_linux64_bin.rpm
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~/Downloads$ sudo apt-get install jdk-9.0.1_linux64_bin.rpm
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package jdk-9.0.1_linux64_bin.rpm

Что мне делать? новый материал

rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:~$ cd /var/lib/dpkg/info
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's/=177/=179/' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's/SHA256SUM_TGZ="a6905f3a4245a071880e1793b8d3d6100ef7b171ea1d6ebfe6312c25c2fca8bb"/SHA256SUM_TGZ="06fe58dfa50c4f6ca21dc1d475f16cd9e58db36b1d98582091d7ff9005dda7a7"/' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java9-installer
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
oracle-java9-installer is already the newest version (9.0.1-1~webupd8~0).
0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.
4 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
Setting up java-common (0.56ubuntu2) ...
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/.java/.systemPrefs’: File exists
dpkg: error processing package java-common (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of oracle-java9-installer:
 oracle-java9-installer depends on java-common (>= 0.24); however:
  Package java-common is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package oracle-java9-installer (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64:
 openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64 depends on java-common (>= 0.28); however:
  Package java-common is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ca-certificates-java:
 ca-certificates-java depends on openjdk-7-jre-headless (>= 7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1) | java7-runtime-headless; however:
  Package openjdk-7-jre-headless is not installed.
  Version of openjdk-7-jre-headless on system, provided by oracle-java9-installer:amd64, is <none>.
  Package java7-runtime-headless is not installed.No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.
                                                                            No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.
                      No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already

  Package oracle-java9-installer which provides java7-runtime-headless is not configured yet.
  Package openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64 which provides java7-runtime-headless is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package ca-certificates-java (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ oracle-java9-installer.config
oracle-java9-installer.config: command not found
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ cd ..
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg$ cd..
cd..: command not found
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg$ cd..
cd..: command not found
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg$ cd..
cd..: command not found
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg$ cd ..
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib$ cd ..
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var$ cd ..
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/$ ^V
: command not found
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/$ cd /var/lib/dpkg/info
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's|SHA256SUM_TGZ="2ef49c97ddcd5e0de20226eea4cca7b0d7de63ddec80eff8291513f6474ca0dc"|SHA256SUM_TGZ="2cdaf0ff92d0829b510edd883a4ac8322c02f2fc1beae95d048b6716076bc014"|' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's|SHA256SUM_TGZ="1c6d783a54fcc0673ed1f8c5e8650b1d8977ca3e856a03fba0090198e0f16f6d"|SHA256SUM_TGZ="2cdaf0ff92d0829b510edd883a4ac8322c02f2fc1beae95d048b6716076bc014"|' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's|JAVA_VERSION_MAJOR=9|JAVA_VERSION_MAJOR=9.0.1|' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's|JAVA_VERSION_MINOR=181|JAVA_VERSION_MINOR=11|' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's|J_DIR=jdk-9|J_DIR=jdk-9.0.1|' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's|FILENAME=jdk-${JAVA_VERSION_MAJOR}+${JAVA_VERSION_MINOR}_linux-${dld}_bin.tar.gz|FILENAME=jdk-${JAVA_VERSION_MAJOR}_linux-${dld}_bin.tar.gz|' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo sed -i 's|PARTNER_URL=http://download.java.net/java/jdk${JAVA_VERSION_MAJOR}/archive/${JAVA_VERSION_MINOR}/binaries/$FILENAME|PARTNER_URL=http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/${JAVA_VERSION_MAJOR}+${JAVA_VERSION_MINOR}/$FILENAME|' oracle-java9-installer.*
rico@rico-Aspire-5750G:/var/lib/dpkg/info$ sudo apt-get install oracle-java9-installer
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
oracle-java9-installer is already the newest version (9.0.1-1~webupd8~0).
0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.
4 not fully installed or removed.
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
Setting up java-common (0.56ubuntu2) ...
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/.java/.systemPrefs’: File exists
dpkg: error processing package java-common (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of oracle-java9-installer:
 oracle-java9-installer depends on java-common (>= 0.24); however:
  Package java-common is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package oracle-java9-installer (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.
                          No apport report written because the error message indicates its a followup error from a previous failure.
                                                    dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64:
 openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64 depends on java-common (>= 0.28); however:
  Package java-common is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64 (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of ca-certificates-java:
 ca-certificates-java depends on openjdk-7-jre-headless (>= 7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1) | java7-runtime-headless; however:
  Package openjdk-7-jre-headless is not installed.
  Version of openjdk-7-jre-headless on system, provided by oracle-java9-installer:amd64, is <none>.
  Package java7-runtime-headless is not installed.
  Package oracle-java9-installer which provides java7-runtime-headless is not configured yet.
  Package openjdk-9-jre-headless:amd64 which provides java7-runtime-headless is not configured yet.

dpkg: error processing package ca-certificates-java (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already
                                                              Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)


  Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
 plof plof
задан 6 December 2017 в 17:14

1 ответ

Я предлагаю вам уделить время, чтобы узнать больше о различных доступных дистрибутивах Linux и о том, что они используют для запуска или работы. Ubuntu является производной от Debian, поэтому для установки приложений и программ используются файлы .deb, а файлы .rpm, которые, как я вижу, вы пытаетесь установить в Ubuntu, предназначены для RHEL (Redhat Enterprise Linux) и его производных, таких как CentOS, Fedora и т. Д.

Ваша проблема в том, что вы пытаетесь установить файл .rpm в систему Ubuntu, что похоже на попытку установить файл Windows .exe в Ubuntu. Пожалуйста, ищите версию этих приложений для Ubuntu, которая должна заканчиваться расширением .deb, и установите их.

Чтобы установить java 9 в Ubuntu для новичка, используйте следующие шаги:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install oracle-java9-installer

Чтобы установить его по умолчанию:

sudo apt install oracle-java9-set-default
java -version
ответ дан 6 December 2017 в 17:14

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