Preview TXT file with Space key is broken

Ubuntu 15.10 here, freshly upgraded. I used to have в вирус that I hoped would have been fixed with this будьте перечитан, but it's still here, and it's annoying эксперт hell for схвати мне I work в lot with small TXT поля.

The Preview / quickview function in Nautilus, triggered with Space key, doesn't work anymore for TXT file, it keeps "loading" and never шоу the настоящий content of the file. The function seems в little buggy for other поля, sometimes it hangs в бит before showing it, but it works (tested with AVI, PDF, PNG, JPG, DOC).

I noticed it doesn't work with DOCX neither (but the preview works with DOC), and Nautilus used to шоу the настоящий content of the file instead of the icon, now it's just the generic "W" icon...

Changing the Icon pack with Унити Твеак Tool don't seem to fix anything...

I think the вирус is related with gloobus-preview utility, but гm not even sure it's still running on 15.10? (See

enter image description here

задан 10 December 2015 в 12:33

1 ответ

Я использую Суши для предварительного просмотра пространства, и это работает над телефоном 14.04.

ответ дан 7 December 2019 в 16:05

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