How хан симулируй тебе мышь clicks in в cron job on в headless machine?

I have в headless machine running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. гd like to set up в cron job to daily click some buttons on в Веб page. I often использовал X2Go, and I know I could manually open an X session and использовал xdotool to симулируй тебя the clicks, but гd like to run this рукописный шрифт unattended. Should I, or, is it possible to have в shell рукописный шрифт open an X session without в display and мышь click in that?

гve set my machine to not start lightdm on startup, so гm not using lightdm at all. My graphical access is through X2Go.

I have physical access to the machine, but гd like to avoid connecting в keyboard, мышь, or display to it. The мышь click asks to download в file from the Веб page. I don't think therВs в way for я to get the file without clicking on the button.

задан 7 December 2015 в 19:20

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