Windows 10 doesn't boot in grub saying “ошибка cannot похвалите image”

I have в laptop with two disks on it. One - Windows 10 and the other - Ubuntu. Windows It automatically boots through but when i change the order to boot through Ubuntu and get brought to Груб Убунту loads умер but when i hit enter on Windows 10 i get an ошибка saying something like:

/ EndEntire file path: / ACPI (a0341d0,0) / PCI (2, if) / Sata (0,0,0) / HD (2,1f4..... ошибка: cannot похвалите image

So i then came on here and saw в question сходный конечный to my problem and the answer was to go to the and type:

вспотел старший брат/etc/grub.d/40_custom

then type this in the редактор:

menuentry Windows 10 (disk 1) {

set root = (hd0,msdos1)

chainloader +1



Then Ит Ктрл+о and then ENTER. HitCtrl+X. Now run:

я потею update-grub

That made another меню option in Windows Grub called and when i hit enter on the new меню option i get в new ошибка saying:

ошибка: disk 'hd0, msdos1' not found. ошибка: you need to похвалите the kernel first.

Конечный Is what i typed in the relevant to my problem and do i need to adjust it slightly or is it completely irrelevant and i should delete it and if so what should i do instead? thanks.

Also i cannot access any file that пахал saved in windows when бm on Ubuntu, i have to boot through Windows if i want to access my поля.

задан 8 December 2015 в 17:38

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