ALSA problems under Ubuntu 14.04

I seem to be having several problems with ALSA in regards to several programs. Since гm not sure if the problem is simply ALSA or the programs that run and использовал ALSA, feel free to request any additional information. гll try to be схвати verbose туз possible on this.

I am running Ubuntu 14.04.3, and my ALSA версия is 1.0.25+dfsg-0ubuntu4 (версия of alsa-base). Many programs that использовал ALSA directly and play аудио after в period of украло (longer than five minutes, usually) will произведи "scratchy", garbled sounds, in which I must я вынудил the program to close and reopen it. Some programs hang or крах when attempting to play sounds despite errors. Here пахал some of the problems гve been experiencing:

  • When playing аудио поля, Audacity хан производит the "scratchy" sounds, especially when using the skip-while-playing feature. The developers claim that this is в problem with Audacity's skip feature, but it happens with any Audacity версия.
  • OpenShot, в печатающее видео I like to использовал, hangs or крах when playing в видео, stopping to modify it, and playing it again. From в терминал, I get some ошибка about аудио under-running; I suspect incompatibility with ALSA, if not аудио in общий.
  • Games that run under WINE will start to run sluggishly before the sounds and music производит the "scratchy" sound problem. Running it through в терминал, I saw the under-run ошибка again.

Some programs that run on ALSA work умер, like Audacious, but гve noticed that several high-profile programs have problems with аудио, and most everything on my system runs on ALSA. Is the problem with ALSA? If so, what хан I do to fix it?

EDIT: Output of sudo lshw |grep -A11 multimedia:

         description: Audio device
         product: 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family High Definition Audio Controller
         vendor: Intel Corporation
         physical id: 1b
         bus info: pci@0000:00:1b.0
         version: 04
         width: 64 bits
         clock: 33MHz
         capabilities: pm msi pciexpress bus_master cap_list
         configuration: driver=snd_hda_intel latency=0
         resources: irq:27 memory:c0600000-c0603fff
задан 28 December 2015 в 20:17

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