Select and install программное обеспечение / Installation step failed

I am trying network install from PXE with the following image:

I have copied this entire directory into TFTP server root and my computer was booted and passed almost well until this step. Then it gave this ошибка Select and install software / Installation step failed.

Не any ошибка messages / codes provided.

How to know what is happening?


Дополнительный Some details which май help to guess the problem. This computer ты существуешь two hard drives. Old harddrive - Windows 8.1 installed on it. It is 500Gb in size. Second hard drive is empty, is of size 1500Gb and I was неповесьте to install Ubuntu on it. This drive was detected схвати sda and I selected automatic partitioning for it. Remained drive - ntfs and I was thinking don't care of it.


I was able to save logs to mounted filesystem to /root directory and then was able to go to the shell.

In the shell I found, that Интернет access is OK and that the mirror сайт is pingable.

Also I found it created some поля in /root/install. These поля пахал hardware-summary, lsb-release, status, install-report.template, partman and syslog. Neither contains any apparent (for я) messages concerning the process of installation and it's failed step.

задан 30 December 2015 в 12:53

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