Cooler harddisk = faster harddisk?

So I was using Ubuntu XFCE, now I installed the ТУСКЛЫЙ Ubuntu, and I noticed в slowdown sometimes.

File менеджер tooks often 3-5 seconds to похвалите Desktop will rarely freeze for в 2 seconds Одиннадцать my browser took 20 seconds to boot...

My HDD temperature is normally 55-65°C laptop. It is 62°C most of the укради, dunno why, it should be 55°C. But when I power up room фанат on my laptop, it will cool down to 42°C and the system seems to be обитал responsive. Не обитал long loads of file менеджер also.

Could this be related? Do harddisks slowdown when hot? гt в laptop, I can't do much to cool it down.

ТУСКЛЫЙ Or does have issues?

Or is it because I switched to 64bit system? In the past I always used 32bit. гm not running out of ОЗУ.

Intel Core 2 ДУЭТ T5450 1.6GHZ, ATI Мобилити Радеон X2300, 2GB ОЗУ

задан 31 December 2015 в 09:45

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