Не удается открыть файлы .odt, созданные на Google Диске

Когда я пытаюсь открыть файл .odt, созданный с помощью Google Диска в Kubuntu 20.04 LTS, я получаю Неизвестная ошибка. Google ответил« . Есть ли обходной путь?

задан 25 November 2020 в 04:00

1 ответ

В настоящее время невозможно получить доступ к Google Диску из версии LibreOffice, работающей в дистрибутиве Gnu/Linux.

Настройку соединения можно выполнить, сохранив документ на удаленном сервере или открыв удаленный файл в первый раз.

 First open a document or create a new one.
 Click File.
 Click Open Remote File.
 Click Add Service in the Remote Files dialog.
 When the File Service dialog appears, make sure Google Drive is the selected choice in the Type drop-down menu.
 If it is not, click the arrow and choose it from the menu.
 Next, enter the email address of the Google account in the user field.
 For the Password field, enter your Google password.
 Put a check in the Remember Password check box, if you are going to continually use this account.
 If you want a different title for your account, then change what is in the label field.
 For your first account, you will be asked to establish a master password. Create one. Then retype it in the next field.

Вот как вы получаете доступ к своему аккаунту после его настройки.

Click File.
Click Open Remote File.
You may need to enter the master password that you established while setting up the account.
Next, click the service drop-down menu and select the Google Drive account, if it is not already the selected account.
You may need to enter your Google password again, if you didn’t put a check in the Remember password check box during set up.

Сохранение документа на Google Диск

Click File.
Click Save to Remote Server.
You may need to enter the master password that you established while setting up the account.
You may need to enter your Google password again, if you didn’t put a check in the Remember password check box during set up.
Select the account from the Service drop-down menu.
Then give the document a name.
Choose the File format you wish.
Then click the Save button. If you selected a format other than an OpenDocument one, a dialog will appear asking you to confirm that choice or save the document as an OpenDocument.
ответ дан 25 November 2020 в 02:43

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